Andreas Zeller

Andreas Zeller (high resolution photo)

Andreas Zeller is faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and professor for Software Engineering at Saarland University. His research on automated debugging, mining software archives, specification mining, and security testing has proven highly influential. Zeller is one of the few researchers to have received two ERC Advanced Grants, most recently for his S3 project. Zeller is an ACM Fellow and holds an ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award.

Phone:  +49 681 87083-1001
Twitter:  @AndreasZeller
GitHub:  andreas-zeller

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About Me

I do software research. My students and I create tools and techniques that help developers build better software—by automatically testing, analyzing, and debugging its code and its development process.

Our approaches have proven quite influential in academia and industry. My Curriculum Vitae lists the most important achievements.

Latest News

Current Projects

Our research projects involve generating software tests, automated debugging and repair, analyzing mobile systems, analyzing user interfaces, and more. Essentially, our research focuses on the following questions:

Our solutions typically apply and combine several techniques including dynamic analysis, static analysis, specification mining, test generation, natural language processing, machine learning, constraint solving, and formal languages:

I am hiring PhDs and PostDocs who would like to work on these topics. Apply now!

Current Papers

My papers can be found on Google Scholar, in the ACM Digital Library, and in DBLP. For recent works and preprints, check out my CISPA publication list.

My Courses

Every semester, we also offer seminars and proseminars around automated testing and debugging.

Check out all our courses here.

My Group

At CISPA and Saarland University, I work with great students and Post-Docs from across the world on cutting-edge research:

I am constantly looking out for great students and Postdocs. Our positions are well paid and allow for highly productive research. If you are interested in a Ph.D. or Postdoc position, please apply at CISPA and state your specific interests.

Here is a list of former group members.


If you are a student of Saarland University and have fun with automated program analysis, testing, and debugging, you might want to do a thesis with us. Here are the details on how to do a thesis with us.

My Blog

My blog has a mixture of various topics from academia and software development, often with a humorous touch. Here is a selection of popular posts:

All blog posts

Watch Me

I am a frequent speaker at events. Here are two recorded talks I am particularly proud of.

2020: Learning the Language of Failure

In my 2020 CASA Distinguished Lecture “Learning the Language of Failure”, I show some highlights of our current work:

Enjoy the show! Annotated slides are available, too.

2018: Outstanding Research Award Keynote

These days, I also spend quite some time giving career advice. In my ICSE 2018 SIGSOFT Award keynote, I unfold three lessons on impact in software engineering research:

  1. Do relevant work
  2. Strive for simplicity
  3. Keep on innovating

Again, detailed slides and full manuscript are available.

Stay Tuned

Follow me on Mastodon to stay updated about current work and relevant events. You may also find me on other platforms (see links on the left), but Mastodon is where I post.

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