Andreas Zeller is faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and professor for Software Engineering at Saarland University. His research on automated debugging, mining software archives, specification mining, and security testing has proven highly influential. Zeller is one of the few researchers to have received two ERC Advanced Grants, most recently for his S3 project. Zeller is an ACM Fellow and holds an ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award.
Phone: +49 681 87083-1001
Linkedin: andreaszeller
GitHub: andreas-zeller
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by Andreas Zeller
As a professor, I have many responsibilities and tasks to take care of, and many of these have deadlines. To keep track of them, I use an automated "To-Do"-Tracker, which allows me to enter new tasks (and ideas!) quickly, to assign categories and priorities to them, and to mark them as completed when I'm done. Most importantly, I can attach a "due date" to every task, and tell my tracker to automatically have a task pop up a few days in advance – typically the number of days I will need to complete it. So far, this works pretty well: When someone asks me whether I'd be available for a task, I can get a good assessment of my commitments (implying the answer is typically "no"); but if I commit to a task, it will almost certainly be done by its deadline.